Magic Poi Lite 0.1
No Matches
Magic Poi Lite Source Code

Firmware for ESP8266 - fetches saved timelines from (Magic Poi Lite server API) and displays specified colours according to precise timing.


  • Software: PlatformIO
  • Hardware: D1 mini
  • Additional: common cathode RGB LED connected to D5 D6 and D7 *(optional - otherwise just look at the Serial Monitor to see colours)*
  • Additional: two buttons attached to D1 and D2 *(optional - you can reset the D1 mini instead to fetch new Timeline)*


  • sign up for a free account at and go to the "Magic Poi Lite" page, use "Record Timeline" and "Save Timeline" to create a timeline.
  • copy the secrets_example.txt file to src folder and re-name to secrets.h
  • edit secrets.h, adding your WiFi details and MadicPoi login
  • upload to D1 mini and watch your LED's change colour



  • on the Magic Poi Lite page you can click on Sequence Mode to create a timeline with fixed interval (1 second between changes)
  • the strobing colours are not implemented yet
  • you may need to log in again periodically
  • on startup the code fetches the currently selected timeline (buttons show up on the right of interface after save, click on button and press "Play Timeline" to use). Re-start the D1 mini to re-load after selecting a new timeline on the site.
  • Press the button attached to D1 to check the server for updated timeline (re-fresh)
  • timeline will loop back to start on finish *(this will be optional in a future version)*
  • this is all experimental code subject to change without notice


  • download all timelines at once and store, select which one to use with a button press
  • update timelines (fetch from server) with another button press DONE
  • play once only option (for shows where you don't want to repeat)
  • add strobing colours to changeColours() function
  • WiFi remote control hardware addon to sync multiple poi.
  • Add FastLED WS2812 and APA102 LED's support (on a different pin simultaneously or as an option in secrets.h)