5#include <ArduinoJson.h>
JsonVariant redVal
Red color value extracted from JSON.
Definition Playing.h:60
bool playing
Flag indicating whether playing is active.
Definition Playing.h:135
long * getTimings()
Returns the array of timings.
Definition Playing.cpp:143
void play()
Plays the timeline data.
Definition Playing.cpp:402
long previousMillis
Timestamp of the last LED update.
Definition Playing.h:125
int maxTimingsNum
Number of timings in the timeline.
Definition Playing.h:33
int colours[50]
Array storing colors extracted from JSON.
Definition Playing.h:95
long currentMillis2
Current timestamp.
Definition Playing.h:130
uint8_t signal
Signal indicator.
Definition Playing.h:120
void processTimelineData(const String &timelineData)
Processes the timeline data received from the server.
Definition Playing.cpp:41
long timings[50]
Array storing timings extracted from JSON.
Definition Playing.h:90
int runNum
Run number.
Definition Playing.h:140
void useTimelineData()
Uses the timeline data to change LED colors over time.
Definition Playing.cpp:300
const char * timeline_keys[50]
Array of keys in the timeline JSON.
Definition Playing.h:55
String timelineFilePath
File path of the timeline file.
Definition Playing.h:48
bool setup()
Sets up the playing process.
Definition Playing.cpp:204
int getMaxTimingsNum()
Returns the maximum number of timings in the timeline.
Definition Playing.cpp:155
int greenInt
Green color value as an integer.
Definition Playing.h:80
JsonObject root
JSON object root.
Definition Playing.h:110
int * getColours()
Returns the array of LED colors.
Definition Playing.cpp:131
int currentIndex
Current index in the timeline data arrays.
Definition Playing.h:145
JsonVariant blueVal
Blue color value extracted from JSON.
Definition Playing.h:70
JsonVariant greenVal
Green color value extracted from JSON.
Definition Playing.h:65
bool already_got_data
Flag indicating whether timeline data has been loaded.
Definition Playing.h:100
long playStartTime
Timestamp when timeline playing started.
Definition Playing.h:105
int blueInt
Blue color value as an integer.
Definition Playing.h:85
String timelineNumber
Variable to use int tinelineFilePath.
Definition Playing.h:40
int iter
Iterator for timeline data.
Definition Playing.h:115
void changeColours(int choice)
Changes the colors of the RGB LED based on the provided choice.
Definition Playing.cpp:233
int redInt
Red color value as an integer.
Definition Playing.h:75
String loadTimeline()
Loads the timeline data from the disk.
Definition Playing.cpp:171